Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Trik Internet Cepat Dengan Cara Test DNS Server Paling Cepat Untuk Akses Internet

Salah satu cara untuk mencari DNS tercepat adalah menggunakan software Tool Open Source DNS Benchmark Utility yaitu Namebench.
Download Software Tool DNS Benchmark Utility ini di :
Pada dasarnya, cara kerja Namebench ini sama dengan GRC’s DNS Benchmark, yaitu menganalisis, membandingkan dan merekomendasikan DNS server tercepat untuk koneksi komputer anda. Software ini akan membandingkan kecepatan dari berbagai DNS yang tersedia dengan kecepatan akses dari komputer Anda.


Berikut adalah cara instalasi  Namebench :
-                Instalkan Namebench yang berbentuk .exe tersebut di komputer anda. Sebelum anda melakukan proses instalasi, pastikan dulu koneksi internet anda tetap terhubung.
-                Saat anda menginstalkan Namebench ini, anda harus mengekstraknya terlebih dahulu. Untuk melakukannya, silakan klik ‘Extract’ pada jendela tampilan pertama saat proses instalasi
-                Setelah file selesai meng-ekstrak diri, klik ‘Start benchmark’ yang terletak di sebelah kanan bawah
-                Tunggu beberapa menit dan setelah itu, Namebench akan merekomendasikan (biasanya) tiga DNS yang cocok dengan yang anda gunakan sekarang. Kriteria kecocokan tersebut dapat dilihat dari kecepatan dan jarak (yang tercepat dan yang terdekat)
-                Untuk mensetting server ke komputer anda, masuklah ke ‘control panel’, lalu klik ‘Network Connections’
-                Klik kanan pada akun internet yang sedang anda aktifkan, lalu pilih properties
-                Pilih tab ‘Networking’
-                Pilih ‘Internet Protocol’ dan klik properties
-                Beri tanda centang pada kotak ‘use the Following DNS Server addresses’
-                Inputkan DNS yang direkomendasikan Namebench tadi
-                Terakhir, klik ‘Ok’

Cara Setting DNS liat disini 

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

NAMEBENCH [Open-source DNS Benchmark Utility]

Are you a power-user with 5 minutes to spare? Do you want a faster internet experience?

Try out namebench. It hunts down the fastest DNS servers available for your computer to use. namebench runs a fair and thorough benchmark using your web browser history, tcpdump output, or standardized datasets in order to provide an individualized recommendation. namebench is completely free and does not modify your system in any way.

namebench was written using open-source tools and libraries such as PythonTkinterPyObjCdnspythonjinja2 and graphy.


Here is what the nameserver overview looks like:

Here are what some of the graphs produced look like:



How to Setup DNS on your Computer

How to Setup DNS on your Computer

How to Setup DNS on your Computer

Like OpenDNS, Google today launched their own public DNS service that they say will make your web-surfing experience "faster, safer and more reliable."
If you want to access a site (say example.com) from your browser, your computer needs the IP address of the web server that is hosting that domain. The computer will then query a public DNS server to find the IP address of the site example.com.
Google DNS Servers
This DNS server is generally maintained by your ISP but now you can instruct your computer (or wireless router) to use Google's DNS server instead of your ISP's DNS server. Google says their Public DNS Servers are hosted in data centers worldwide, and they use anycast routing to send users to the geographically closest data center.
If you are keen on making the switch to Google DNS, here're the steps involved for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Video: Setup Google DNS on Windows XP
Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), followed by Properties and them replace the IP addresses of your Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server with the IP addresses of the Google DNS servers which are and - the order doesn't matter.
Screencast: Use Google DNS Servers on Windows 7 / Vista
In the above videos, I have changed settings for an Ethernet (LAN) connection but the steps are similar for Wireless networks as well.
In case you would like to setup Google DNS at the router level, open your router dashboard (e.g., and put the Google DNS server addresses ( and as your DNS server settings and apply.